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The Story

Kathryn is a unique individual with a heart of gold. Her son Ollie who is a bright young boy with a beautiful soul. Seymore the Basset that has overcome anxiety from his past life. They are a family that do not do things conventional. A family that thinks "outside the box" to make things work. In life it isn't about the destination, but how they get through the paths to get to those destinations.

Welcome to their blog about life!  


Description of Kathryn Anne:


Kathryn Anne does many things and has away to departmentalize everything she does with her family to the things she just does. (co-owner of a biker society, professional photography, talking to people, coexisting with everyone, homeschooling, loosing weight, and beyond) 


History on Kathryn Anne is complex, and many different tales. She has lived life...even at an early age. And has been surrounded by such inspiration.

      She started out as a dreamer, an artist for painting/drawing/photography, and the love of horses. She worked on being a musician at a young age, going through college for music, overcoming "people pleasing" to "anxiety" and ADHD. She had many years of therapy with the psychology side of things, and graduating therapy with therapists that lead her to have practiced natural ways of overcoming PTSD, ADHD, and Anxiety. She was married to divorced, overcoming abusive a marriage for 6 years, and 7 years after, she was going through courts systems. It has been a process to overcome, process to heal, heal her family, working through ups and downs of life, and that mental journey.

She is Homeschool mom. That journey is a fun, but challenging one for her family. It is worth it in the long run of their family journey. 

    Her walk with Jesus Christ is a deep journey.

   She loves working on friendships to family dynamics with to be a better person,  breaking cycles of toxic generational behavior, learning to accept her weirdness.

  She is building a biker society, loosing weight from being 500 lbs, not using food for emotional purposes, loosing weight to ride a motorcycle, helping break survivors out of abusive situations, helping fight laws when it comes to family court matters and domestic violence, helping step up to fight for the biker community, and being her empathetic self.


A lot of depth to this journey. This is her personal blog, and photography journey. 

(She says things incorrectly at times. They are called "katie-isms", sometimes ADHD does get caught up in her daily life, but she is the most empathetic and real person you will meet. Laughing is a daily must!)

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